A demonstration of ELISA, the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay

Written by Marketing Dept. | Nov 7, 2013 5:00:00 AM

Thank you for checking out our “30 days of Science Education” series. Use Science Education videos to introduce undergraduates to the lab

We'd like to introduce you to ELISA, the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay! In this video demonstration we cover what an ELISA is, how it works, what equipment and reagents you need to perform it, and some of its different applications at the bench.

Patient plasma samples are typically run in a competitive ELISA in order to determine if antibodies for certain pathogens, like the HIV virus, are present in the sample. This demonstration is part of the Science Education " Basic methods in cellular and molecular biology" collection.

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The entire Science Education collection is available without a subscription through the end of December, though you can request access for the spring by reaching out to your librarian here. In the meantime, spread the word by sharing our videos with other scientists!

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