
30 days of Science Education: Your guide to Molecular Cloning

Phil Meagher, JoVE Writer |
Phil Meagher, JoVE Writer | 3 min read

Thank you for checking out our “30 days of Science Education” series. Use Science Education videos to introduce undergraduates to the lab

Molecular cloning consists of making numerous copies of a select DNA fragment of interest, such as a specific gene, in order to learn more about its particular function.

In this Science Education video, we explain the various steps involved in the molecular cloning process, how to set up the procedure, and the different applications for it at the lab bench.

Replicated vectors are purified from bacteria, and following restriction digestion, analyzed on a gel. Gel-purified fragments are later sent for sequencing to verify that the inset is the desired DNA fragment. Replicated vectors are purified from bacteria, and following restriction digestion, analyzed on a gel. Gel-purified fragments are later sent for sequencing to verify that the inset is the desired DNA fragment.

Understanding molecular cloning, as is the case with all the techniques within the Science Education database, is applicable for scientists across vast areas of research. These instructional videos are a great tool for quickly educating those new to the lab, and also for refreshing the minds of more experienced researchers.

Don’t forget! This collection is only available for free through the end of the year. But, you may always request access to this database (or our 9 other sections) by contacting your institution’s librarian.

2aa molecular cloning Understanding the various molecular cloning tools at your disposal, as well as coming up with a careful strategy before you begin cloning can be an immense time saver.

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