
Textbook Era Ending With Rise Of Video Courseware — Here’s Why

Emily Goh, Marketing |
Emily Goh, Marketing | 5 min read

Breathing New Life Into Biology Textbooks

JoVE is excited to announce we are launching JoVE Core this summer, our newest product that visualizes science and makes key concepts and techniques easier to learn.

JoVE Core is an interactive, web-enabled Biology education video book — rich in features, but available to students at an affordable cost. Developed by JoVE, the leading publisher of scientific video resources, this video courseware offers unique and engaging video content that will replace the traditional textbook.

JoVE Core is simply a better platform for learning and teaching. Unlike traditional textbooks, it addresses three key biology/STEM class challenges by:

  1. Making teaching more dynamic and impactful — while creating a streamlined experience, with less effort for the professor. It provides configurable biology textbook materials that support the active classroom.
  2. Enabling the student to learn with greater retention, confidence, and comprehension in the classroom and lab — or even from a mobile phone or device.
  3. Providing high quality, professionally published biology video courseware created by biology Ph.D. holders and former educators. This new interactive video-learning platform will draw from JoVE’s extensive Video Journal and Science Education libraries, as well as its own custom animations, to replace traditional print and online Biology textbooks.

"We are confident that JoVE Core will be a transformational tool for students and professors in undergraduate STEM education,” says Dr. Moshe Pritsker, CEO and co-founder of JoVE. “The interactive video-based approach to STEM teaching will benefit every biology student, helping them become the future scientists they hope to be.

New Chapter In Biology Textbook History

Although frequent discoveries constantly reshape the STEM field in general (and biology in particular), textbook-based classroom education remains in place. The text-heavy model is outdated and demonstrates reduced efficacy, given that about 60 percent of STEM students fail to graduate, according to research.

In part, this is because these students simply don’t study well with traditional, static textbooks, ones incapable of fully engaging them. And some students cannot learn key Biology concepts without clear visual aids. And despite the evidence of the traditional textbook’s limitations, it’s still the prevailing way of teaching.

Researchers have noted interactive textbooks are a potential solution to meet changing student learning needs. That is why JoVE has developed a video courseware that integrates learning and exploration, and brings Biology to life.

Improved Biology Classroom Starts Now

Interested in learning more about JoVE’s new approach to undergraduate STEM teaching and learning? Find out more here and start evolving past the old traditional textbook.

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