
How streaming media can help meet CCC’s Vision for Success Goals

Raveena Khatri, JoVE Writer |
Raveena Khatri, JoVE Writer | 9 min read


The CCC adopted Vision for Success back in 2017, and, in the Chancellor’s words, it has ‘served as our collective North Star’. Now, reinvigorated by a substantial budget, it’s been rebranded as Reaffirming Equity in a Time of Recovery; you can learn more about the vision and achievements made so far on the CCC Vision for Success website.

In this article, we’ll demonstrate how JoVE’s library of professionally produced videos and animations can enhance STEM teaching and learning in community colleges while closing the diversity, inclusion, and equity gap. 

It’s true that when JoVE was born, we began by filming rarely used techniques in niche subjects so that highly trained researchers could replicate complex experiments and advance scientific knowledge. That’s still a flagship product, but in the last decade, we’ve expanded our reach by developing innovative videos for graduates, undergraduates, and those studying degree pathways in community colleges.

A significant number of CCCs are already using JoVE videos, such as Los Angeles City College, De Anza and College of the Siskiyous, and we’ll be demonstrating the contribution to Vision to Success goals via case studies in the coming months. We’d urge you to sign up for a complimentary trial to find out how JoVE can fast-track learning in your college.

JoVE Core helps meet diverse learning needs in STEM subjects

✔️ Close equity and regional achievement gaps

JoVE Core is a suite of video textbooks which explain concepts through high-impact animations and real-life experiments. With eight core subjects: Biology, Chemistry, Social Psychology, Molecular Biology, Organic Chemistry, Statistics, Physics and Cell Biology, each subject can be mapped to your specific college’s curriculum and against existing resources, whether virtual or physical. Moreover, there are also opportunities to extend the curriculum to cover practical concepts that don’t easily lend themselves to classroom teaching – for reasons of cost, specialist resource availability, safety or practicality – and to give learners the chance to enrich their learning beyond the curriculum. This gives them a head start when applying to university.

Every one of our videos is created by a subject-matter expert and is peer-reviewed. All our resources are educationally robust and produced to very high standards. We can provide a playlist of videos for college librarians and faculty staff to consider and try. New content is added throughout the year and all modules are regularly reviewed to ensure that they are fully up to date. Our video narrations are conversational, often humorous and never dull.

JoVE Core can help meet vocational learning needs

✔️ Increase healthcare vocational education

✔️ Secure gainful employment

The Governor’s Roadmap funding includes $130m to support adult learners in healthcare-focused vocational pathways, specifically for those learning English. Our content maps perfectly to biology, medicine, biotechnology, biopharma, psychology, and nursing and all are available, if needed, in 12 languages. We explain concepts and techniques in clear, plain language and use captions and subtitles to aid comprehension. Many of our modules are supplemented by quizzes and curated playlists, providing opportunities for rapid assessment and recording scores when linked to the LMS.

LMS integration

✔️ Advance technology modernization and sensitive data protection

A subscription to JoVE allows you to integrate your learning resources to most LMSs, including Canvas, Moodle and Blackboard. In addition to creating a seamless and time-saving experience, this increases accuracy and sensitive data protection. Over the next five years, $100m Roadmap funds are available to support technology modernization and data protection.

JoVE videos make a significant impact on learning and retention

✔️ Address student enrollment and retention

An independent study1 carried out by UCLA proved that JoVE videos help students quickly visualize abstract scientific concepts. After watching JoVE videos, average test scores increased from 29% to 89%. In addition, 96% of students reported better concept comprehension, whilst student engagement and learning outcomes improved by more than 50%. The Governor’s Funding Roadmap has set aside $150m in 2022-23 to support enrolment and retention.

Affordable and flexible subscriptions support ALI and ZTC

✔️ Provide sustainable, accessible materials in multiple languages

We’ve simplified our subscription models to make budgeting easier. These range from highly affordable options, to premium options. A JoVE subscription will make zero textbook costs a reality and will help to close equity and regional achievement gaps.Request a free trial here!


¹Ramachandran, R., Sparck, M., & Levis-Fitzgerald, M. (2019). Investigating the Effectiveness of Using Application-Based Science Education Videos in a General Chemistry Lecture Course. Journal of Chemical Education 96(3), 479-485.


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