
JoVE Video Gains in K-12, China, and More

Marc Songini, JoVE Writer |
Marc Songini, JoVE Writer | 6 min read

As a science video solutions provider, JoVE promotes the success of researchers and teachers globally. We’re excited and proud to list the names of institutions that either are new to us, or have expanded their existing subscriptions.


North America

JoVE Highlight: Van Andel Research Institute

This independent biomedical and science education organization launched in 1996. Based in Grand Rapids, Michigan, its goal is “enhancing the lives of current and future generations.” The VAI is now a premier research and educational organization that supports 400 scientists, educators and staff.

Other subscribers who joined us or expanded their usage include:

  • Bryn Athyn College of the New Church
  • Allegheny College
  • Marian University
  • Brigham Young University
  • University of California, Riverside
  • Butler University
  •  Red River College

Latin America

JoVE Highlight: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM)/National Autonomous University of Mexico

Based in Mexico City, UNAM is a prestigious educational institution with undergraduate programs offered through 22 schools. Additionally, UNAM offers 41 postgraduate programs, with 83 curricula for master/doctoral programs.

Europe, Middle East, Africa

JoVE Highlight: Nelson Mandela University: This school originally opened in 2005, merging  together three existing institutions during a nationwide higher education restructuring. It was renamed in its current form in 2017, and now supports 27,000 students and 2,500 staff members, based on six campuses.

Other subscribers who joined us or expanded their usage include:

  • Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU)
  • Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH Zurich)
  • Weizmann Institute of Science
  •  KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Asia Pacific

JoVE Highlight: University of Science and Technology of China (USTC)

Established in 1958, this institution comprises 15 schools dedicated to a variety of disciplines, including life sciences, mathematics, information technology, and more. It supports 15,500 students, including 7,400 undergraduates, 6,200 master’s students, and 1,900 Ph.D. students.

Other subscribers who joined us or expanded their usage include:

  • Tsinghua University
  •  South University of Science and Technology of China
  •  National Science Library, Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • Xi'an Jiaotong University
  •  Guangxi University of Science and Technology
  •   Wuhan University
  •  The Second Military Medical University


JoVE Highlight: Heat Biologics

This biopharmaceutical company develops anti-cancer immunotherapies. The company designs its drugs to leverage natural biological processes to activate and stimulate patient T-cells. 


JoVE Highlight: Monmouth County Vocational School District

This Freehold, New Jersey-based institution believes in supporting teaching for “an evolving workplace” and “lifelong learning.” It offers programs in specialized academics, as well as career and technical programs. 

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