Putting JoVE's contributing institutions on the map.
Here's a glimpse at an often overlooked feature of JoVE—our map of contributing institutions! We take pride in the breadth and diversity of our content and contributors, and this map visualizes the scale and range of those contributions.
As of this post, we have content from institutions in 47 U.S. states, more than 40 countries, and six continents. (Our videos have even featured footage filmed in Antarctica, although none of our contributing institutions are based there.)
If you're considering publishing in JoVE, check out some of our other articles from around your region. Or, if you're a researcher, have a look at what others from your institution have contributed to JoVE.
As you look around JoVE, you'll see that some articles have links in their authors' affiliations which lead back to these contributing institution web pages, allowing you to see articles from researchers at the same institution. A few examples of our more robust contributors include Harvard University, U.C. Irvine, and the Max Planck Institutes (represented individually in the list for all of Germany).
As JoVE continues to publish 80 new video articles each month, make sure you check back in on the map to watch those numbers grow!