Germany is a leader in scientific teaching and research, with a wealth of national history and culture. Its science focus is part of the reason why the country has the strongest economy in Europe, and is its top industrial giant. Germany is also one of the world's overall top exporters.
So, it’s no surprise that German universities are turning to JoVE videos. In 2018, we saw many thousands of Germany-based visitors to our website. There is also a great demand in the country for high-quality science video teaching and research content, which was why JoVE entered the German market in 2009.
Attracting German STEM Institutions
Currently, JoVE is privileged to have 36 Germany-based subscribers of varying sizes and specialties. Our roster includes some of the region’s most prestigious institutions, and we recently signed on Germany’s oldest academic institution, Heidelberg University.
Some other great subscribing schools are University of Rostock, Free University of Berlin, Technical University of Dortmund, Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, Humboldt University Berlin, University of Leipzig, Ruhr University Bochum, RWTH Aachen University, Technical University of Munich, and Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich.
Supporting German Research
Scientific communities in Germany use JoVE because our videos deliver tangible results in their lecture rooms and laboratories. “JoVE is vivid science, practice, and teaching,” said Sarah Tiemann, library director at the University of Lübeck. “It is a real added value and a good complement to our literature. I am presenting it with pleasure to students in courses who are enthusiastic about today's possibilities. I also get positive feedback from scientists and other staff at our university.”

“With JoVE Videos, you can easily understand scientific experiments and then implement them yourself in the laboratory," said Simon Xalter, library director at the University of Munich. "Therefore, JoVE is an ideal learning material in the context of digital teaching at the LMU Munich."
German Innovators in JoVE
Scientists all over the country have published their protocols in JoVE. As of August 2019, researchers from 412 German institutions had published 1,205 peer-reviewed video articles, in fields as diverse as medicine, biology, and engineering and beyond. And these two numbers will keep growing as scientists continue to innovate.
Some of the most popular recent German videos include:
- Biology: Relating Stomatal Conductance to Leaf Functional Traits, lab of Helge Bruelheide, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg
- Biochemistry: Plate-based Large-scale Cultivation of Caenorhabditis elegans: Sample Preparation for the Study of Metabolic Alterations in Diabetes, lab of Andrea Schlotterer, Heidelberg University
- Chemistry: A Two-Step Pyrolysis-Gas Chromatography Method with Mass Spectrometric Detection for Identification of Tattoo Ink Ingredients and Counterfeit Products, lab of Andreas Luch, The German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR).
You’re in Great Company
JoVE subscribers include many of the best STEM research and teaching organizations worldwide. There are about 6 million scientists and students viewing JoVE annually, and about 1,000 academic institutions are subscribers. These organizations — of all different sizes and types — access the same high-quality scientific video content.
JoVE is proud to help drive innovation in Germany and anywhere else researchers and teachers want to improve how science is done. Read about what JoVE does in China, and Italy.