It should come as no surprise that China is among the top global innovating countries, and a major player in biotech research and development.
But in terms of volume, it also ranks nationally as the number four viewer of JoVE Journal peer-reviewed video articles and JoVE Science Education library collections. In 2018, some 302,600 Chinese users accessed JoVE’s website — 5 percent of JoVE’s total viewer traffic.

JoVE entered the Chinese market in 2010 responding to a demand for high quality science video content. Today, there are 70 subscribing institutions on the mainland, including 60 universities, and eight Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) institutes. Researchers from 237 Chinese institutions have published 470 JoVE articles, as well.
Besides the CAS (which ranked number five in Nature’s biotech index and number one overall) other top institutional subscribers include: Peking University, Tsinghua University, Sun Yat-sen University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, and Fudan University. Several are JoVE Journal Unlimited subscribers, including Xiamen University and China Agricultural University.
In addition, JoVE is partnering with the China Educational Publication Import and Export Corporation (CEPIEC). Its content is also an approved product of the Digital Resources Acquisition Association (DRAA), and the Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Boosting Chinese Research
Chinese subscribers adopt JoVE for a simple reason: JoVE supports real-world success in the lab and the classroom. The videos detail protocols with clarity and thoroughness to drive high-quality research. "JoVE videos offer a detailed list of experimental supplies, equipment, and experimental procedures,” states JoVE author Shufen Liu.
Liu is a senior engineer at Longhua Hospital at the Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. With JoVE, she says, “I can learn the experimental steps by myself. Through JoVE, I have learned and completed many interdisciplinary experimental techniques."
Additionally, JoVE Journal has published China-based experiments on a variety of subjects:
- Biology: Magnetic-Activated Cell Sorting Strategies to Isolate and Purify Synovial Fluid-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells from a Rabbit Model, lab of Dr. Li Duan, Guangdong Provincial Research Center for Artificial Intelligence and Digital Orthopedic Technology
- Engineering: Quantitative Analysis by Thermogravimetry-Mass Spectrum Analysis for Reactions with Evolved Gases, lab of Dr. Hongde Xia, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- Medicine: A Component-Resolved Diagnostic Approach for a Study on Grass Pollen Allergens in Chinese Southerners with Allergic Rhinitis and/or Asthma, Dr. Baoqing Sun, State Key Laboratory of Respiratory Disease
Aiding International Classrooms/Labs
JoVE Science Education videos are also having an impact. For instance, they have transformed the biochemistry classroom of Dr. Yujia Kang, a ShanghaiTech University biochemistry instructor, saving her 40 minutes in pre-class preparations and 30 minutes of classroom time.
“By using JoVE, my students quickly and safely learn and adopt key scientific protocols,” she says. “The safety factor enables a more learning-friendly and relaxed atmosphere.” According to Dr. Kang, JoVE serves a dual purpose: It teaches science and, through closed captioning, scientific English.
A faculty member for the Chinese Academy of Engineering agrees that JoVE promotes not just technical knowledge, but English language skills. “It will effectively facilitate their [students’] way to become international scientists in the future,” he states. “I want to highly recommend JoVE."
Keeping Great STEM Company
A JoVE subscription puts your institution in the best STEM research and teaching company worldwide. JoVE counts nearly 6 million scientists and students as annual users, and about 1,000 academic institutions as subscribers. These organizations — of all different sizes and types — access the same high-quality scientific content.
JoVE is proud to be helping drive the pursuit of innovation in China and around the world, in colleges and corporations — anywhere there are researchers and teachers that want to change how science is done.