
JoVE Journal: How to Impact Scientific Researches

Marketing Dept., | 9 min read
Marketing Dept., | 9 min read

What is JoVE Journal?

JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments), founded in 2006, is a unique, peer-reviewed scientific journal that focuses on publishing experimental methods in a visual format. JoVE aims to increase the reproducibility of scientific research by providing detailed video demonstrations of experimental procedures. The journal includes a multimedia, step-by-step visual guide to actual experiments, helping to demonstrate minute hand movements and subtle manipulations necessary for successful experiment replication. These Scientific video journals are Peer reviewed, Multi-disciplinary and indexed in PubMed and Web of Science.

The Impact factor of JoVE Journal

  • JoVE Journal enhances the reproducibility and accessibility of scientific research through detailed visual demonstrations of experimental procedures.
  • A.Reproducibility: By providing visual demonstrations, JoVE enhances the reproducibility of scientific experiments, ensuring that other researchers can accurately replicate the methods.
  • B.Educational Value: JoVE serves as a valuable educational resource, providing detailed visual guides that help students and researchers understand complex techniques.
  • C.Global Reach: With over 9,500 articles and millions of views, JoVE has a significant global impact, helping scientists from various fields improve their research and experimental techniques.

How to Write a JoVE Journal Scientific Article

Creating a JoVE Journal article involves meticulously documenting and visually demonstrating experimental procedures to ensure clarity and reproducibility

  1. Define Your Experiment: Clearly outline the experimental procedure you plan to demonstrate.
  2. Script Writing: Try to produce a detailed script describing each step of the experiment. 
  3. Storyboard Creation: Our team will create a storyboard to visualize how each step of the script will be represented in the video.
  4. Filming the Experiment: Conduct the experiment while being filmed, ensuring all steps are clearly demonstrated.
  5. Editing: Our team will edit the video to match the script, ensuring clarity and accuracy.
  6. Review: Submit the video and script for peer review and editorial quality check by JoVE's Editorial team.

Categories of JoVE Journal

JoVE Journal is divided into various sections, each focusing on different scientific disciplines:

  1. Behavioral Journal topics: Techniques to understand human and animal behavior.
  2. Biochemistry Journal topics: Methods to study the structure, function, and interactions of biological molecules.
  3. Bioengineering Journal topics: Tools combining engineering and life science research.
  4. Biology Journal topics: Techniques in cellular, molecular, and organismal biology.
  5. Cancer Research Journal topics: Experimental approaches in cancer research.
  6. Chemistry Journal topics: Fundamental and applied techniques in chemistry research.
  7. Developmental Biology Journal topics: Methods to study biological development.
  8. Engineering Journal Topics: Research protocols for mechanical, electrical, material, and chemical engineering.
  9. Environment Journal Topics: Methods for studying the Earth's ecosystems and environmental concerns.
  10. Genetics Journal Topics: Techniques for studying gene function, expression, and regulation.
  11. Immunology & Infection Journal Topics: Methods for diagnosing and treating immunological diseases.
  12. Medicine Journal Topics: Experimental approaches for biomedical research and clinical medicine.
  13. Neuroscience Journal Topics: Methods to study the brain and nervous system.

How to Publish a JoVE Journal Article

To publish a JoVE Journal article, start by submitting your manuscript via the Editorial Manager platform. A Review Editor will conduct an initial brief review to ensure it meets basic standards. Following this, the manuscript undergoes a thorough peer review process. Once accepted, collaborate with the Scripts team to create a detailed script and storyboard. Next, coordinate with JoVE's production team to film the experiment. In post-production, edit the video, incorporating feedback from reviewers and authors. The final video then undergoes a final review for accuracy and quality. Finally, the video is published on JoVE's platform, making it accessible to researchers and students worldwide.



By following these steps, researchers can effectively contribute to the JoVE Journal, enhancing the reproducibility and understanding of scientific experiments globally.


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