
Moment of Inertia: How to Calculate Newton's First Law of Motion

Marketing Dept., | 11 min read
Marketing Dept., | 11 min read

Inertia, a fundamental property of matter, dictates that objects resist changes to their motion. Whether an object is stationary or moving, it will maintain its current state unless influenced by an external force. The greater the mass of the object, the more pronounced its inertia. In this blog post, we will explore the intriguing concept of inertia and its critical role in Newton's First Law of Motion

What is Inertia in Physics - Newton´s First Law of Motion?

Inertia is a fundamental concept in physics, described by Newton's First Law of Motion. Understanding inertia helps explain how and why objects move or stay still. It also helps us understand the forces needed to change an object’s motion.
In summary, inertia is all about how objects resist changes in their movement. Inertial mass is the property of an object that quantifies its resistance to acceleration when a force is applied, measured by the ratio of the applied force to the acceleration produced. Sleep inertia refers to the grogginess and impaired cognitive performance experienced upon waking, typically lasting for a few minutes to an hour, as the brain transitions from a sleep state to wakefulness. Rotational inertia, another term for the moment of inertia, refers to an object's resistance to changes in its rotational motion and is crucial for understanding how forces influence rotational dynamics.


Which statement explains how gravity and inertia work together?

Gravity and inertia work together to keep planets in orbit around the sun. Gravity pulls the planets toward the sun, while inertia keeps them moving in a straight line. The balance between these two forces results in the planets following curved paths, maintaining their

How to calculate the Moment of Inertia or III?

Moment of Inertia (often denoted by II) is a measure of an object's resistance to rotational motion about an axis. It depends on the distribution of the object's mass relative to the axis of rotation. The formula for the moment of inertia varies depending on the shape and mass distribution of the object. For a simple example, the moment of inertia of a point mass mm at a distance rr from the axis of rotation is given by: I=mr2I = mr^2

The method to calculate the moment of inertia depends on the object's shape and mass distribution. Here are a few common formulas:

  1. Solid Cylinder or Disk (about its central axis): I=12MR2I = \frac{1}{2}MR^2 where MM is the mass and RR is the radius.

  2. Solid Sphere (about its diameter): I=25MR2I = \frac{2}{5}MR^2

  3. Thin Rod (about an axis through its center perpendicular to its length): I=112ML2I = \frac{1}{12}ML^2 where LL is the length of the rod.

Examples of Inertia

Here are some practical examples of Inertia:

  1. Car Braking: When a car suddenly stops, passengers lurch forward because their bodies tend to continue moving at the same speed due to inertia.
  2. Tablecloth Trick: Pulling a tablecloth quickly from underneath dishes demonstrates inertia; the dishes remain mostly stationary because they resist the sudden change in motion.
  3. Spacecraft: In the vacuum of space, a spacecraft will continue moving at a constant velocity without the need for propulsion because there is no external force acting on it.
  4. Airplane: During takeoff, passengers feel pushed back into their seats because the airplane's acceleration is changing their state of motion. This resistance to acceleration is due to inertia.

How could you learn about inertia with JoVE.com videos? 

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By understanding these concepts, we can better grasp the principles of motion and the effects of forces on objects in both linear and rotational contexts.

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